Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I don't think there is any words for sitting in a class for 11 hours hearing about children and their loved ones abusing them and destroying their tiny world. It is so heart breaking.

We have three more classes to attend, our homestudy, and tons of paperwork before we can are completed and ready.

After the first class, I felt so overwhelmed and concerned about if we could do this. The worry that we would hurt the boys again was huge. Yet, after a lot of prayer and research as well, I feel more comfortable today. Even though the second meeting was even worse than the first.

We are now waiting on a phone call for our Social Worker for our second home visit. We will let you know when and how that goes.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In just four days!!!

We get to begin our training!! Yeah! It is going by fast. We are all very excited and can't wait to begin this part of the process. The training on Saturdays are 8 am to 4 pm, and there are 3 of them. We also have three Tuesday evenings as well but those are only 3 hours of training.

Will let you know how it went on Saturday,
Take Care

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Didn't Fail, invitation extended

Well, we did not fail that first home visit and the county has officially extended us a formal invitation to attend the training program. Our first training date is February 21st and we will have completed all classes by March 14. They say we will be completely done with the entire paperwork and clearance process by the end of March. But I have to doubt the speed of the local government. They can't possibly move that fast.

So we mail back our acceptance letter and in 15 days attend our first class on parenting. Its a go folks. Wooo Hoooo!!!!